Mask Design

Updated:  September 2021

I've had the pleasure of sewing fabric masks since May 2020.  Over the last (almost two years!) I've made tweaks on the fit and design of the mask.  A few of my priorities for the tweaks were:

  • Less gaping by the ears
  • Better coverage at the nose
  • More space by the mouth area so the mask isn't touching your face
  • More tapered at the chin so the mask stays better when you're talking
J2 Studios Fabric Mask Design
What hasn't changed since the beginning:
  • As always, the masks are sewn with care
  • All masks include the nose wire pocket
  • All masks include a filter pocket
  • All masks are made with 100% premium cotton on the front and back, with the choice of cotton or polypropylene for the the middle layer.

J2 Studios Fabric Mask Design Filter Pocket Adjustable Elastic

J2 Studios Fabric Mask Nose Wire Pocket